Calcium is a vital nutrient for all living organisms, it plays an important role in building and maintaining bone health along with a plethora of other functions. The calcium derived from red algae has shown tremendous results in slowing down bone loss and enhancing bone density. The Red Algae Calcium is also known to be more ‘bone-friendly’ as the algal plant pre-digests the calcium. Hence, increasing its absorption. Apart from calcium the dietary supplement we are going to discuss today, namely the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium, also contains a considerable amount of magnesium, vitamins, and other superfoods.

The Icelandic Red Algae Calcium contains fresh algae from the sparkling and fresh waters of Iceland. The red algae are also known as Rhodophyta. It belongs to a distinct group characterized by the oldest type of eukaryotic algae. It stores sugar as a fluoridate which is a basic type of starch. These are usually found in marine water bodies, although a relatively low number of red algae can be found in freshwater bodies. The chlorophyll of red algae is masked by phycobilin pigments which give the algae a distinctive red or blue color. Red Algae Calcium plays a valuable role in introducing oxygen to seawater. It easily grows in oceans around the world.
Hence, it is considered a natural calcium-rich food source for people who are living near coastal waters. Red algae are enriched with plenty of nutrients. Hence, they form an important part of the cuisines of Europe, Asia, and many other countries. It is a product that reduces knee pain and improves your range of motion.
What is Icelandic Red Algae Calcium?

The Icelandic Red Algae Calcium is a breakthrough formula that prevents bone loss and increases bone density. The formula is unique as compared to other joint supplements because it is easily digested by the human body. On the other hand, you can get various types of other benefits like improved bone mineral content, bone mineral density, bone strength as well as overall bone health. Whenever you have any complications related to joint pain or bone growth, Red Algae Calcium is considered the perfect product for you. It provides routinely Calcium to patients who are suffering from bone loss, painful joint inflammation, and other bone disorders like osteoporosis. The Red Algae Calcium has shown jaw-dropping results in even severe joint pain and joint stiffness for both men and women.
There are various types of elemental calcium out of which two primary forms of calcium supplements are currently accessible in the mainstream market.
- First is calcium carbonate, rock-based calcium produced from different types of rocks like marble and limestone.
- Another is calcium citrate which is produced from elemental calcium bound with certain types of citric acid.
The red algae species is also plant-based calcium. The fascinating fact about this gem of nature is that it is enriched with calcium which is a part of the natural matrix with a variety of nutrients that are important for bone building. Additionally, the calcium and other minerals are pre-digested in the body of the marine algae which means that your body does not have to make that extra effort in the digestion process.
Red Algae Calcium posted several clinical studies and research experiments related to data on their site to promote the adequacy of their product. These jaw-dropping researches have proved to be a ray of hope for men and women suffering from acute as well as chronic joint pain. One of the astonishing studies was conducted at the Minnesota Research Institute on the efficiency of red algae in the treatment of several joint pain and stiffness resulting disorders. The results of the study were bestowed with the most positive outcome and the study was also published in the prestigious Nutrition Journal.
Additionally, it is worth mentioning another shocking study where the red algae went head-to-head with its competitor glucosamine. The clinical trial was conducted amongst a group of volunteers suffering from mild to moderate knee pain. The results were shocking and the red algae effectively outperformed its competitor; the glucosamine and found its way to the prestigious journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine.
Since the supplement Red Algae Calcium is prepared from the calcified remains of red algae species (scientific name is Lithothamnion calcareum sp), it provides a better option in comparison to traditional dietary supplements. Firstly, the marine wonder algae gather all the important minerals like calcium, magnesium, etc from the seawater during the entire course of its lifetime. When it dies it leaves behind the skeletal remains which are a hub of all those minerals which the algae have incorporated during its lifetime. These skeletal remains are properly harvested as well as processed in the laboratory with the addition of some more essential nutrients. These are important for bone health and are incorporated in capsule form which is perfect for human consumption. Since the algae have lived their full life and are not killed, the supplement obtained from red algae is a pure and organic form of calcium. On the other hand, the calcium carbonate which is generally used in traditional dietary supplements is an inorganic form of calcium as it is sourced from rocks like limestone. Such type of calcium is produced by the process of extraction as well as purification and in this process, various chemicals are added which may sometimes be harmful to human health.
Learn how the Iceland Red Algae Calcium can work on poor bone health and help you enjoy healthy joint mobility.
How does it work?
The human body requires sufficient calcium in the blood which can be transported to the bones for the healthy functioning bones. However, it is worth mentioning that the all calcium which is ingested is stored in the small intestine which plays a key role in the process of digestion. It also plays an active part in the transportation of calcium to the bones. Therefore, the amount of calcium that can be absorbed by the blood to be later used by the bones is dependent on a number of factors like in which form the calcium is ingested by the body and also the health and strength of the small intestine. Here the Red Algae Calcium puts less toil on the small intestine as the calcium and all other minerals are already pre-digested. It reduces the workload of the small intestine which makes the absorption process smoother.
Moreover, Red Algae Calcium is also enriched with Vitamin D which also plays an important role in the absorption of calcium.
Properties of Red Algae
Red algae are known to be excellent producers of amino acids which in turn are very helpful at blocking and preventing the harmful UV rays from the sun. Since the red algae are abundant in different essential nutrients and antioxidants, they would aid in the skincare routine and contribute to the nourishment of the skin. The red algae skincare regime would be pretty much suitable for all skin types but the dry skin types would reap the utmost benefit of this marine wonder.
Properties of Calcium
Red Algae Calcium supplements are high in calcium, which keeps up with bone wellbeing and control other physical processes. Calcium empowers blood thickening, alongside considering a working heart and muscles. The calcium component of Red Algae Calcium provides considerable relief in joint pain and eases the flexibility of the bones and promotes a smooth range of motion.
Properties of Magnesium
Red Algae Calcium also contains a considerable amount of magnesium which increases the bone-building cells and maintains nerve functions. Magnesium also plays a considerable role in maintaining cardiovascular health as it regulates the muscles of the heart. Again, certain studies have linked magnesium with sleep as people with magnesium deficiency has known to be suffering from certain sleep disorders like insomnia, etc.
Properties of Vitamin K
Red Algae Calcium contains a rare form of Vitamin K known as Vitamin K2 which acts as a booster dose in the calcium optimization process in the human body. Generally, the body requires a considerable amount of Vitamin K to produce a blood-clotting protein called prothrombin which greatly aids in the blood and bone metabolism. In certain studies, it has also been proved that a sufficient amount of Vitamin K in the bloodstream has lessened the cases of dementia in old ages by enhancing episodic memories.
Why is the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium the most preferable joint supplement?
Scientific studies have shown that Red Algae Calcium has shown a wide array of positive effects in maintaining as well as restoring the bone density in a much better way than the traditional supplements that offer bone and joint support. It is known that bone density begins to lose at the age of 40. The women are more prone to losing a significant amount of bone density by the age of 60 which ultimately results in mild to moderate joint pain as well as fractures of the bone. Under such a scenario the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium will be the mainstream recommendation of doctors for restoring the bone mass and maintaining overall bone health.
Moreover, it has also been proved that the intake of calcium carbonate derived from traditional supplements for a long time is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, plant-based Red Algae Calcium minimizes such side effects to a great extent. In addition to the miraculous properties of calcium, a bundle of other trace minerals together contributes to the overall development of the human body and treats the bone loss from its roots.
Again, since the calcium and minerals are pre-digested so the absorption rate would be considerably higher as compared to the synthetic calcium supplements. As a result of which the absorption process in the small intestine is way too smooth.

How do you get quick results?
Joint pain can range from mild to moderate pain. It occurs in multiple parts of the body but mostly joint pain is experienced in the hips, hands, shoulder, neck, leg, etc. In some instances, joint pain can also be accompanied by joint stiffness and soreness in the joints. The pain can be way too troubling as it can hamper the day-to-day activities of a man like climbing stairs of home, walking, and even sleeping.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases which occurs due to the wearing away of the cartilage i.e., the protective cushion type layer between the bones which keeps the bones intact.
Red Algae Calcium has been clinically shown to reduce bone inflammation and joint stiffness and increase muscle mobility in just two weeks. This joint supplement can also restore the cartilage thus providing strong support to the bones and preventing arthritis-like diseases.
The formula works almost immediately, after taking the very first dose. With regular use, you may notice relief in inflammation, swelling, and joint pain in as less as 2 weeks.
Alongside, Red Algae Calcium helps promote bone density and you might see a difference after 3 months of daily use. The prolonged consumption of Icelandic Red Algae Calcium will make your bones and joints stronger.
Why choose Red Algae Calcium over other calcium supplements?
As we all know that calcium is an important ingredient for bones. As we age, we need more calcium for overall bone health. Icelandic Red Algae Calcium includes more important antioxidants in comparison to other supplements. You don’t feel the need for vitamins and minerals but actually, your body needs to get them at the proper time. As we get older the bones also get weak and brittle. It may cause a lot of complications in the future. Hence, you need to consume Red Algae Calcium. If you are suffering from any type of bone-related complication or aching joints, it is important to consume sufficient calcium to maintain bone strength.
As we all know mother earth has provided us with a plethora of calcium sources. Most of the population are unaware of the fact that traditional calcium supplements contain calcium carbonates which are derived from the various kinds of inorganic rocks like limestone and marble. Since limestone and marble-like stones are used for construction work, they cannot be considered a great choice when it comes to the maintenance of human bones. They are far more delicate than the lifeless buildings. Again, in the processing and harvesting of red algae utmost care is taken to validate that each batch of the supplement contains the same amount of calcium and other nutrients.
The precious red algae used in the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium Supplement is handpicked by the fisherman of the far northwest of a village in Iceland Billdudalur. The inhabitants of this beautiful village are mostly fishermen and they earn a living by harvesting fish and the precious red algae. Strict monitoring is done during the harvesting process as sustainability is considered the top priority in the harvesting process. Again, there are strict standard operating procedures that verify the fact that only dead algae are harvested.
What is the clinical evidence and research?
Red Calcium Algae have passed almost four studies that talk about their effectiveness on the bones. The doctors recommend red calcium when it comes to curing health and increasing the strength of bones. A clinical trial was performed on animals which were published in Calcified Tissue International. It proved that the calcium derived from the red algae was far more effective than the inorganic calcium carbonate. There is an ingredient in the red algae called Aquamin which is known to contain the best form of calcium along with many trace minerals like zinc, selenium, etc.
Is it Effective/Suitable for Everyone?
As we know that there is a continuous cycle of bone renewal throughout human life. Regretfully, with the aging process, the bones are unable to repair which ultimately leads to various bone diseases such as low bone density, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is important to take proper care of the bones by following a nutritious diet, involving in regular exercise, and keeping anxiety and stress away. Many people cannot get the recommended amount of calcium alone from the diet. Therefore, it is important to add supplements to their daily regime to maintain their daily dietary requirement. If proper dosing is maintained the Red Algae Calcium supplement is extremely suitable for everybody.
It has delivered tremendous results in all categories of the population whether a child or an older adults. However, if you are a minor or are suffering from certain diseases like chronic kidney disease or liver disease it is best to first consult with your licensed healthcare provider before taking the supplement.
Red algae without a doubt is an extraordinary supplement for overall bone health as well as helps reduce joint pain. However, you might ponder, “What are red algae utilized for? Sea plants have been utilized in cooking and as medication essentially among Asian societies for quite a long time because of their overflow and high health benefit. All the more as of late, red algae have entered the set standard, alongside blue-green algae as superfoods that are considered gainful for wellbeing.
What are the Key Natural Ingredients used in the formulation of Icelandic Red Algae Calcium?
- (a) Red Algae Calcium (1000mg, 77%DV) contains red algae, a specialized sea vegetable that is also a popular superfood across the globe. It helps to relieve joint aches and stiffness.
- (b) Magnesium (96mg, 23%DV) is known to be involved in plenty of the important biochemical reactions required for the proper functioning of the body. It supports the proper functioning of the bones and neurons.
- (c) Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol 200mg, 100%DV) plays a crucial role in maintaining the muscles, bones, and nervous system. Along with calcium supplements, it enhances the efficiency of calcium absorption. It also helps in treating certain bone disorders like rickets and osteoporosis.
- (d) Vitamin K2 (85mg) helps in skin nourishment and proper brain functioning. It also enhances the absorption capacity of calcium which in turn reduces joint pain and stiffness.
- (e) Organic Vegan and Red Algae Blend (3535mg) are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and protein, which are easily utilized by the body. Nori Sheets used in the preparation of the Japanese delicacy sushi are made from red algae. It also aids in the healthy circulation of blood along with the regulation of blood cholesterol levels.
- Organic Strawberry contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which have a variety of functions including heart health, hypertension relief, and cancer prevention.
- Organic Raspberry has shown tremendous results in lowering blood pressure that occurs due to high potassium content. It is also a good source of fiber, which helps in maintaining gut health and relieves constipation.
- Organic blueberries are the king of antioxidant foods. Due to their extremely high antioxidant properties, they are known to fight against cancer by protecting DNA damage.
- Organic Cherry are low in calories and high in nutrients. It has numerous health benefits. The anti-inflammatory properties aid in reducing joint pain and swelling.
- Organic Tomatoes are high in vitamin C, which aids in wound healing as well as bone healing. It also contains certain antioxidants and lycopene, which reduce the risk of heart attack and cancer.
- Organic Carrot, Spinach, and Kale are high in iron, calcium, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Regular intake of these vegetables helps in reducing certain health conditions like anemia, osteoporosis, and rickets.
- Organic Strawberry contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which have a variety of functions including heart health, hypertension relief, and cancer prevention.
- (f) Citrus bioflavonoids (500 mg) are usually found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. The citrus fruits are enriched with Vitamin C. They help reduce inflammation in the body and aid in proper blood circulation.

What are the other Health Benefits of this Joint Supplement?
- Skin Health
The proof given by Korean scientists considers marine red algae to have an extraordinary incentive for skin wellbeing. The starches found in red marine green growth help forestall or lessen hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, skin irritation, dry skin problems, and skin disease. The presence of vitamins and L-ascorbic acid additionally give antimicrobial and skin brightening impacts. - Upholds Thyroid Function
Red algae contain a good amount of iodine. The suggested dietary recommendation of iodine for grown-ups is 150 micrograms each day. Since the body doesn’t make iodine, it’s vital to have a dietary enhancement to forestall a lack of iodine. It assists the body with utilizing energy and keeps the body working as it ought to. An inadequacy can prompt goitres or hypothyroidism, which could cause exhaustion, weight gain, and muscle shortcoming. You need to consume Red Algae Calcium in the proper amount that can control your muscles, nerves, and bones. - Directs Blood Sugar Levels
A review composed by specialists from Anyang University in Seoul, South Korea tried the effects of ocean growth supplements on glucose levels. It controls blood sugar levels.
Side Effects
This plant-based supplement is 100% natural. Hence, the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium hasn’t reported any side effects.
Nonetheless, portions of calcium in excess in day-to-day measurements of 1,000mg can bring about stomach-related aggravations like obstruction, gas, and bulging. Also, seldom happening from calcium-containing supplements, outrageous degrees of calcium in the blood, or hyperkalemia, can source kidney breakdown and kidney stones as fine as hard calcium stocks in the tubes through which the urine passes. However, this supplement uses calcium in recommended amounts, hence the occurrence of such severe effects is thin.
Dosage and advice
The dosage of the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium depends on the overall condition of a person. The formula is easy to incorporate into your daily schedule. Take 3 capsules with a meal. Do not consume more than the amount that is discussed.
Where and how to buy Icelandic Red Algae Calcium?
Visit the Icelandic Red Algae Calcium official Website, and click the order now button to grab a deal. Tap to take a stop!. Select either one, three, or six-month supply. Fill out billing and shipping information. The warehouse team will begin packaging your order right away.

- Cost for 6-month supply is $299.95.
- Cost for 3- month supply is $159.95.
- Cost for 1- month supply is $59.95.
The manufacturer offers 67-day, money-back guarantee with your order. This means, that if you’re not happy with the product, return the bottles (even if they’re empty) within 67 days for a full refund.
What do customers have to say about this Joint Supplement?
Sonia J. (Utah, USA):
“I have tried many different calcium supplements, but this is the only one that has helped my painful joints. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for relief from joint pain.”
Jesse P. (Vancouver, Canada):
“The Icelandic Red Algae Calcium has definitely improved my condition. The pain is considerably reduced, and I have regained a lot of the range of motion in my shoulder. I’m very grateful for this natural remedy!”
Brent G. (Woodland, Singapore):
“I have been using Icelandic Red Algae Calcium for a while now and it has really helped reduce the swelling in my knees. I used to have to take ibuprofen all the time, but since using this product, I haven’t needed to take any painkillers. It is a really great product and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for relief from joint pain.”
Jeanette S. (Belfast, Ireland):
“I’m a big believer in the benefits of red algae calcium for keeping my joints flexible. I’ve been taking it for a while now and have definitely noticed a difference in how my joints feel. I’m not as stiff when I wake up in the morning, and I don’t have as much pain when I move around. It’s definitely a product that I would recommend to anyone looking for relief from joint pain.”
Phyllis W. (Manchester, UK):
“I’ve been using Icelandic Red Algae Calcium for a little over a month now and I love it! I was having some joint pain and stiffness, but after starting to take this supplement, the pain is subsiding. It’s also great that it’s an everyday usage supplement that is safe for health.”
Md. Safiy K. (Dubai, UAE):
“I have been using Icelandic Red Algae Calcium supplement for over 3 months and it has really helped improve the health of my bones. I used to suffer from a lot of pain in my joints, but since I started using this supplement, the pain has gradually disappeared, it’s 100% recommended.”
Calcium is an important mineral that the body needs for many functions. Most importantly, calcium is the best supplement to improve bone health and curb osteoporosis in females.
According to numerous studies, Red Algae Calcium helps to relieve bones related ailments. As we all know calcium is a significant element for overall bone health. Calcium improves bone density bone strength and bone turnover. It can decrease the danger of bone fracture as well.
Consult your medical care team before taking any calcium supplements. The supplement also works for muscles and nerves by maintaining active calcium, magnesium, and other minerals in the body.